Available Results For Doyen Retractor

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Surtex Instruments
United Kingdom
  • Goniotomy knife
  • Orbital Retractor
  • Doyen Retractor
  • Pigtail Probe

Doyen Retractor

Doyen Retractor is a broad-based retractor used to pull back soft tissues and widen the surgical field. This is useful in laparotomies and pelvic surgeries like abdominal hysterectomy and cesarean section, as well as retractions of the urinary bladder. Ozahub Provide a list of Doyen Retractor Manufacturer Distributors and suppliers.

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In a landscape dotted with several Hospital Equipment Manufacturers and Medical device suppliers, every healthcare device supplier needs to make his or her product stand out for a buyer to pick it. The world's leading Hospital product directory offers you the opportunity to be seen by the top decision-makers at hospitals, nursing homes, or medical centers who are looking for a Doyen Retractor. So whether you are a manufacturer, supplier or dealer the opportune time has come for you to register on a medical product directory that will help you market your product to a wider audience Worldwide.