Available Results For MRI Machine

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South Korea
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Neusoft Medical (Middle East) FZ - LLC
United Arab Emirates
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Beijing Wandong Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
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Betatex S.p.A.
  • Hospital Disposable
  • MRI Machine

MRI Machine Suppliers, Manufacturers & Dealers in India

Magnetic resonance imaging is a medicinal imaging method used in radiology to shape films of the structure and the physical procedures of the body. MRI machines use robust magnetic arenas, magnetic field inclines, and radio surfs to produce images of the structures in the body. Most MRI machines are big, tube-shaped lodestones. When you recline inside an MRI machine, the captivating field provisionally readjusts water bits in your body.

Radio surfs cause these united particles to yield pale signals, which are used to generate cross-sectional MRI imageries like shares in a loaf of bread. The MRI machine can also yield 3D imageries that can be observed from diverse approaches. The hospital Product Directory Provides a list of MRI Machine Suppliers, Manufacturers & Dealers in India.

What is an MRI Machine?

MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology is a non-invasive imaging technology. This imaging technology uses a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves to create and provide detailed images of the organs and tissues of the patient’s body.

MRI machine is a large, tube-shaped magnet. The patient is asked to lie down inside the tube-shaped magnet to scan the full body or parts of the body. MRI scans provide doctors with valuable insights as images from various angles were available. MRI machine also provides 3D images from various angles.

How does an MRI machine work?

The magnetic field temporarily realigns the water molecules in the patient’s body and the radio waves cause these aligned molecules to produce faint signals. These signals then create a cross-sectional MRI image that appears to resemble slices in a loaf of bread.

Which are the different types of MRI Scanners?

There are different types of MRI Scanner with different magnetic strengths measured in Tesla(T). Tesla is the unit to measure magnetic strength. The higher magnetic strength will result in the highest image clarity.

  • Closed MRI with a bore diameter of 60cm and magnetic strength of 3T or up to 7T provides images of superb clarity.

  • Wide Bore MRI is part open MRI scan machine with a spacious wide bore of 70cm that can fit patients of the broader build. The magnetic strength is 1.5T.

  • Truly Open MRI is completely open on all 4 sides with a maximum strength of 1.2T.

  • Open Upright MRI is open front with patients sitting upright similar to what they would sit in a chair. This has the lowest magnetic strength.

The Hospital Product Directory has lists of manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers in India of MRI machines with different magnetic strengths.  The Hospital Product Directory provides a list of MRI Machine manufacturers, suppliers, and dealers in India priced from Rs 30,00,000 to Rs 4,00,00,000.

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