Applanation Tonometer

Inventure Sales
- Verified 0 Manufacture
- H-206 Naraina Vihar, Near M.C.D Office, Naraina\r\nNew Delhi\r\n
- Year Of Establishment: 2010
- Colposcopy Machine
- Defibrillator
- Fetal Monitor
- Refractometer

The leadership of the company comprises of Professionals from premier Indian and Global Corporates. They come with extensive experience in Turnaround Management, Building and Leading Large Corporations from a Scratch, with several years of experience in Healthcare Industry.\r\nInventure Sales - an Ethical and Professional Organization. Always focus on accurate treatment for Patients, Customers benefits, Convenience, Comfort, Reliability and maximize equipment uptime through Prompt and Effective Service. Developed an obsession for Go To Market Strategy and maintain direct contact with all customers.\r\n Expertise in Formulating and effectively Implementing Market and Customer Specific Strategies to generate Sales Volumes and double digit yoy Revenues and Profit Growth by exploring countless opportunities.\r\n Hard work and tremendous efforts put together by a team of smart, talented people with diverse backgrounds. People who have brought together great deal of Creativity, Innovation and Enterprising Skills to achieve the impossible. Every Battle is Won or Lost in the Preparation, so do not Start Anything Unless You are Absolutely Sure that You Are Ready.
- Nature Of Business: Manufacture
- Verified