CO2 Insufflator

  • Laparoscopic System
  • CO2 Insufflator
Product Overview

Unlike other methods, the mono filament bivalent system according to Semm allows the detection of trends relevant for the safety of the patient. By using one and the same opening, alternately for gas insufflation and measuring the static intra-abdominal pressure, the maximum patient safety can be guaranteed. The intra-abdominal pressure is shown on a large display which gives the surgeon a fast and reliable feedback.

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About Wisap Medical Technology GmbH

For over 50 years, WISAP ® has focused on the areas of laparoscopic and hysteroscopic gynecology. Together with users from the respective specialist areas, WISAP ® develops medical systems that enable minimally traumatic surgery. The highest goal is the patient's well-being. Many years of know-how, high manufacturing quality, simple handling and, last but not least, safety for the patient form the basis for WISAP ® 's worldwide reputation.

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