Gynecology Instruments

  • Endoscope
  • Gynecology Instruments
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At Healthware, we believe that our primary responsibility is to the people who use our products - Patients, Doctors, Nurses, Bio-Medical Engineers and Hospital Owners. We assume ownership for delivering outstanding value proposition to our clients and we are committed to the highest standards of patient safety and the satisfaction of doctors and nurses. At the heart of what we do is a strong belief in bringing the best-in-class products to India, providing outstanding after sales service and clinical training to make healthcare in India first class. Our vision is to get people back on their feet as early as possible, post surgery. We have therefore dedicated ourselves to bringing state of the art Minimally Invasive Surgery Solutions from across the globe in Urology, GI, Respiratory Care, Advanced Surgery, Gynaecology and ENT to name a few; and in the process ensure that it is affordable to the common man. We are committed to changing the current perspective of intermediation by providing value added services; being an honest consultant to our customers; making the entire sales process more transparent leading to a high level of trust, excellent after sales installation support and training on the use of the equipment to deliver the most cost efficient treatment to patients. In order to ensure we excel, we have set in place several world class processes, services and management practices. With dedicated focus on results, the management has set high performance standards for everyone -- individuals and teams.

  • Nature Of Business: Service Provider
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