Urology Nephroscope

Richard Wolf Gmbh
- Verified 0 Manufacture
- Pforzheimer Str. 3275438 Knittlingen, Germany
- Year Of Establishment: 1947

Due to increased customer demands and the rapid development in laser lithotripsy, Richard Wolf, the manufacturer with the greatest variety of uretero-renoscopes, has decided to develop a new, ultrathin uretero-renoscope. This ultrathin uretero-renoscope is not only used in pediatric urology, it is also used in adult stone therapy.
Examples of its versatile fields of application are:
Stone therapy with laser fibers
Stone therapy with LithoClast® probes
Stone therapy with stone baskets
Therapy for infants, children, and adolescents
Richard Wolf GmbH offers a wide range of products and systems for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment. Instruments are supplied to virtually all specialist disciplines in human medicine. The product range is supplemented by Operating Room Management Systems which are marketed under the name core nova. The core nova system relieves personnel working in operating theatres from the burden of having to carry out organizational and administrative tasks and this makes the system equally appropriate for hospitals and medical practices. Industrial endoscopes complete the range of instruments available.
- Number Of Employee: 1500
- Nature Of Business: Manufacture
- Verified