Available Results For Surgical Diathermy

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Quest Medical Equipment Inc
  • Surgical Diathermy
  • Multipara Monitor

Surgical diathermy Dealers, Suppliers & Manufacturers

FAQs about Surgical Diathermy

Diathermy is a therapeutic treatment most commonly prescribed for muscle and joint conditions. It uses a high-frequency electric current to stimulate heat generation within body tissues. The heat can help with various processes, including: increasing blood flow.

Diathermy are treatments that deliver energy to treat specific areas of the body. These treatments are typically used for the following purposes: Relieve pain, stiffness and muscle spasms. Reduce joint contractures.

Surgical diathermy is a universally used dissection and hemostasis tool, utilizing radio-frequency alternating current for heating and thermally ablating tissues in course of surgical dissections.

Hospital Product Directory offers a variety of top-brand Surgical diathermy machines and can ensure that you have the right machine for your needs. Our highly experienced medical team will recommend the appropriate surgical diathermy machine for you. This enables you to provide rapidly, at a cheap cost, and with a wide choice of options.